
Our son was diagnosed by several specialists as having an Auditory Processing Disorder, a Visual Processing Disorder, Dyslexia, and ADHD.
In an effort to fulfill all medical recommendations we treated our son with several very costly and time consuming therapies such as Vision Therapy, Reading/Auditory Therapy, and Occupational Therapies. We saw some improvement with these therapies, but he still continued to fall behind. We did these therapies for a year, but they seemed boring and repetitive and our son simply memorized the exercises without much advancement. We felt overwhelmed and our son became very frustrated, because of the amount of therapies he was required to do daily.
A friend had told a relative about PMD Therapy and recommended Linda Thompson as it really helped her son. Shortly after starting PMD Therapy we discontinued all other therapies. We noticed that some of the other therapies simply mimicked part of the PMD exercises, but didn’t have the same benefits. PMD Therapy seemed to encompass all of our sons needs as opposed to focusing on each individual disorder. This allowed for less therapy time on a daily basis. Our son even enjoyed doing the exercises, which made it a delight. Since the exercises are continuously alternated, we saw much improvement in a short amount of time, as our son was not able to simply memorize movements. PMD Therapy helped tremendously with our sons gross and fine motor skills.
Our son is doing much better in reading, writing, and math. His memory and self-esteem has drastically improved. Our son’s audiologist also mentioned she has seen great improvement since he was initially diagnosed, we credited PMD therapy.
We plan to continue PMD Therapy until Linda Thompson says we are completely finished. We are very forever grateful to Linda Thompson and her PMD Therapy.
The Guadalajara Family
Dear Linda,
I just wanted you to know how much you have helped Kathryn. It is hard to believe that just a little over a year ago we began the exercises that have transformed her life. I saved a few samples of her schoolwork from February 2001 and compared them to her work at the beginning of the school year. It is really hard to believe that the same person wrote both times! Her handwriting is so neat and readable. The spelling in the early samples was so bad that it was difficult to interpret what she was saying much of the time. In the fall sample, there were only 3 spelling mistakes and they were all very common errors.
Kathryn has been able to spell better, get her homework done in much less time (1 hour compared to 3-4 hours before), do remarkably well on tests with less study time and she really enjoys school more. She was recently inducted into the National Junior Honor Society and has participated voluntarily in the science fair and speech contest at her school. Her confidence is through the roof.
There are several things which I think helped us to gain this kind of success. The first would be the relationship you built with Kathryn from the very first day. When you told her she was smart and that you were going to help her to repair the bridges that were out in order to help her do her schoolwork better, she believed you. She saw that you had confidence in her, you listened to-her, laughed with her and connected in a way that she felt loved and encouraged. Thank you for never condemning us for not doing things perfectly.
The next thing that was helpful was to make it a team effort. Once you gave Kathryn hope, I could get her to own part of the responsibility in doing the exercises consistently. I gave her permission to remind me and we talked about the best times of the day to do them. For us, before school and after dinner were best. When we didn't feel like doing the exercises, I remembered that doing something was better than doing nothing. Sometimes, I would do each exercise 3-4 minutes instead of 5 (we used a timer) or do part of the set in the morning and the other part after dinner. We also used a calendar page to mark off each day we did the exercises. Kathryn loved doing that and seeing how often she did them. It helped to keep me on track, too. I appreciate that you were always available to answer questions in between appointments.
I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for us. I have told a number of people about what a change there has been in Kathryn. Some are very curious and want to hear more, others are skeptical and can't believe that simple exercises could produce such a change. I know how many different things I had tried before and how hard Kathryn worked to do better. We are on the right path and she is doing so well that I look forward to what the future holds for her and a burden has been lifted. I look forward to hearing about all the others that experience the same freedom and hope.
With a grateful heart,
Jana Wardian
(Kathryn was in 5th grade when this letter was written. In high school she was in all honors classes. Her senior year she was student body president, played volleyball and softball, had a part time job, and was on the leadership team in her church youth group.)
Dear Linda Thompson,
I have been teaching a class of seventh and eighth graders which included six boys and two girls. Two of the boys were held back for this basic math class and are in ninth grade. I teach a Saxon Math 76 class. The first class with these students was difficult because I took the class over from another teacher who could not control the students. There were many behavior problems and very low self-esteem. The boys were fidgeting, making noises in class, hitting and talking all at the same time. Most of the class were flunking math. The class break down was one seventh grader, five eighth graders and two ninth graders. One student was taking the class for the third time, four were repeating the class for the second time and two were transferred in from public school and placed in the basic math class.
The girls were shy, quiet and introverted. I started fifteen minutes total of muscle taps followed by robots. In the beginning none could finish a lesson of twenty-five problems in the class time of sixty minutes. Most took homework home with them. Accuracy was low, work was very sloppy, and there was a general feeling of the class being 'losers".
Along with taps, incentives included being able to play checkers or chess if the problem set was finished and checked with a partner. The class could earn a "Math Lunch" if all scored 80% or above on one problem set and one test in a week. They started being more careful with work and neatness improved. They have their choice of colored graph paper to work on. It took approximately three months before they earned the first math lunch. Grades are now 80% or above except for two students who were in a public school setting.
The students work quietly with very little distracting noises or behavior. Four students have a GPA above 95%. They discuss math problems, talk about math and help one another when asked. They have learned to check their work carefully for mistakes. Most students are finished with the problem set in 20 to 30 minutes leaving time for flying kites, making planes and playing games, encouraging dexterity and mental alertness.
The class now does ten minutes of taps only. There is a nice balance of working and the enjoyment of incentives and games. The class has developed a "group imagination" in that they involve themselves in telling wonderful stories of going on wild adventures while we do our exercises. I will begin a story and they will help develop the plot. This group of underachievers has become good math students and blossomed in personality and social skills. As a teacher, I am excited about the progress of these students and the enjoyment they exhibit for this class.
Melanie Mize
Instructional Coordinator,
Glendale Christian Academy